Removal of moulds: makes you breathe safer

Since we all know that moulds have capabilities to reproduce, it is utmost important to remove it completely before it spreads and harm your health. The first thing that you should do is to inspect where the actual mold growth has happened and then straightly call to our office for quick removals. Our company, Capital service is the only one who will help you with Mould Removal completely and quickly.

We follow the following process to remove moulds:
  • Assess the site completely and find the root cause from the production of fungus in your house. 
  • Assign proper duties to all so as to remove moulds
  • Check for any water damage
  • Cleaning and stopping the growth of moulds
  • Drying programmes
  • Restoration of the structure
  • Final report

Our technicians are far more experienced and of helping nature, so that you can be free to ask anything that come up in your mind regarding removal of moulds. Our only aim is to make you breathe clean and safe.
